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Library Plant Swap May 29

The Jackson County Public Library will host a plant swap at the Seymour Library on Wednesday, May 29, from 10 a.m. to noon at the tent in the grass at the corner of Second and Pine Streets. Volunteer Purdue Extension Master Gardener Trina Roark will be available to...

Scott County Gardeners Can Get ‘Soil Squad’ Help

Scott County Purdue Extension Educator for Ag & Natural Resources, Tom Springstun, recently announced that the Scott County Master Gardeners have created the Scott County Soil Squad to begin offering a free service of taking soil samples for persons with a garden...

Fish Fry Fundraiser At Hamacher Hall Saturday

Crothersville History & Cultural Arts Association will have a fish fry this Saturday, May 18 from 3-6 p.m. at Hamacher Hall, 211 E. Howard St. east of the stoplight. Fish sandwich is $5, chips and drinks will be available for a donation. Hamacher Hall, the former...

Two From Out-Of-State Face Drug Charges In Scott County

Two out-of-state people were charged with drug offenses after a late night traffic stop in northwest Scott County. Scott County Sheriff’s Deputy Kacey Reschar and his K-9 partner Karma were on patrol around 10:42 p.m. on Monday, May 6, on Thomastown Road when he...

Housing Proposed For Crothersville

Two developers made presentations to the Crothersville Town Council at their regular meeting May 7. The council was all smiles about one and cool to another. Brian Arnholt proposed to construct houses at 204 Walnut Street, a double lot at the corner of Vine &...

Some Primary Races Had Surprise Results

There were a couple of surprises in the Scott County Republican Primary last Tuesday. Incumbent Republican District 2 County Commissioner Mike Jones lost his primary bid to be the party’s nominee to political new-comer Adam Bomar. Countywide Bomar out-polled Jones...