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So Maybe That’s What It’s Good For

by Curt Kovener The month of November is a fickle month. Early there is sunshine and some remaining brightly colored leaves which still adorn a soon-to-be barren landscape. Election day was barely sweater weather with bright sunshine. But the Indian Summer couldn’t...

Try Stepping Out This Thanksgiving

by Curt Kovener I try to eat healthy throughout the year. But I suspend the rules between Thanksgiving and New Years. That is when eating, drinking and laughter with family and friends comfort me. Thanksgiving is a time to gather in gratitude with the people we love...

The Most Intelligent Thing I Didn’t Say

by Curt Kovener During my 45 years in the newspaper business, I have occasionally heard, “ I was misquoted. I didn’t say that.” Frequently it comes after someone says something foolish or without sufficient thought, his/her words appear in print, and not wanting to...

Bouncing Off the Walls On A Sugar High

by Curt Kovener So your youngsters are starting to come down from that sugar rush from Monday’s All Hallow’s Eve candy cache. But what to do with all of that left over candy (other than the obvious)? And maybe you overbought and not-so-many trick or treaters rang you...


by Curt Kovener (This is an encore column from the Curt Comments archives.) We are five days into the autumnal month which, from the standpoint of the senses, is surely misspelled. For 31 days all our body’s senses will be reminded of the seasonal pleasures of...

Sorry Mrs. Johnson

by Curt Kovener Back in the previous millennium when I was in the 4th grade, Mrs. Johnson had a study unit of proper phone etiquette. We were instructed to speak clearly, enunciate our words, and always be polite. She had a rotary dial phone (yeah, kids, ancient...