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Begrudgingly Giving Way To Spring

by Curt Kovener  When you sit at a desk, deal with people, are greeted with one deadline after another, it is therapy to be alone in the woods. I can see that why when our Lord was troubled he spent some time in the wilderness. It allows you have a few moments to...

So You Think You’re Frustrated With Society

by Curt Kovener You’re bent out of shape with the way things have gone and continue to go in government? You’re anxious because the future you thought was supposed to be so secure and comfortable for you, now doesn’t look so appealing? You’re disappointed with the...

Hmmmm…The Saga Continues

by Curt Kovener To bring our muddled brain fade back into focus here are some more Thoughts to Ponder: •I thought my boss was a jerk, so I quit my job and went to work for myself. My new boss is a jerk, too…but at least I respect him. •If a mute swears, does his...

Joining The Warring Factions

by Curt Kovener  Here in Indiana it appears that a bill is making its way through the legislature that will make it okay to say “ Merry Christmas” in public schools. I didn’t know that it wasn’t OK to send out the winter holiday message. But apparently the law-to-be...

There’s Thievery About

by Curt Kovener I, like a number of southern Indiana residents, enjoy feeding and watching the birds during the winter. Birds of all colors flock to winter feeders: cardinal red, jay blue, shades of gray juncos, orange & white breasted towhees, gray but trying to...

Yes, There Is A Difference

by Curt Kovener A bill moving through the Indiana legislature could allow southern Hoosier farmers to grow a new crop: industrial hemp. Like the baby with the bath water, hemp, and its much more popular cousin marijuana, were made illegal in the 1930’s. More on that...