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Nothing Matters…And What If It Did?

by Curt Kovener Now that the election is over, it doesn’t matter whether your candidate won or lost. The prophet John coined the title of this column: remember it often. And remember some of these when your feeling low…and especially when you’re feeling high...

How Much Do You Want To Be Known?

by Curt Kovener We all want our privacy. But should we pick & choose what’s private & what’s not? There are some folks who put their lives, their family and their travel plans up on Facebook for durn near everyone to see. But even then, it is only what the...

By The Numbers

by Curt Kovener While all of our votes are important next Tuesday, voters inside the town limits of Crothersville have a particularly important vote to cast for the town’s future. Voters of the Vernon Crothersville precinct will determine whether the number of...

They’re H-e-r-e!

by Curt Kovener It was a warm fall afternoon following some recent seasonably cooler temperatures. I was sitting on my front porch shelling out some hickory nuts in anticipation of making some coming holiday pies. I was concentrating on the slow, methodical manual...

Who Are You Callin’ Fat?

by Charley Kovener Curt, my human, read me a news release he got from a veterinary group, that got my dander up. And he says I got plenty of dander along with fly away hair, drooling and flatulance.Hrumppp!!! It seems these veterinarians are warning human pet owners...

This, Too, Shall Pass…And Other Universal Truths

by Curt Kovener As I have gotten more gray hair I have come to understand some oddities and truths in life. Here is some gleaned from a variety of sources. •Nothing is worse than that moment during an argument when you realize you’re wrong. •Bacon tastes good. Pig...