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Don’t Blame Me, Life Made Me That Way

by Curt Kovener Some wisdom, observations and logic gained from being around this world for over 70 years… •Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak. •I asked God for a car, but I know God doesn’t work that...

January: The Jumper-Cable Month

by Curt Kovener (This is an encore column from the Curt Comments archives.) Oo-ga-chak-kah, Oo-ga-chak-kah. The recently completed month of January and jumper cables go hand-in-hand. Not just because of the obvious cold weather and failing vehicle battery letting us...

Mid-Month New Year’s Advice

by Curt Kovener We are past the mid-point of the year’s first month and by now those of you who made New Year Resolutions have probably forgotten, neglected, ignored or abandoned them. However, continuing in the resolution tradition, here’s some sound life advice for...

Anglesh Roolz Ben Throwed Aweigh?

by Curt Kovener The instant gratification tell-all of tweeting, facebooking, texting, and some emailing has eroded our use of proper grammar. Mrs. Lewis, my high school English teacher, would purse her lips and shake her head with dismay, if she were with us today. So...

A Christmas Treasure

by Curt Kovener “Silent Night,” which has been translated into nearly 300 languages, has become an anchor for Christmas celebrations throughout the world. Its lullaby-like melody and simple message of heavenly peace can be heard from small town street corners in...

Garden Catalogs Making An Early Arrival

by Curt Kovener An unusually early November snow greeted us last month. Perhaps that it the reason that in early December I received the unusually early first seed catalog of the season. It is a bit confusing trying to make Christmas preparations while being tempted...