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Anglesh Roolz Ben Throwed Aweigh?

by Curt Kovener The instant gratification tell-all of tweeting, facebooking, texting, and some emailing has eroded our use of proper grammar. Mrs. Lewis, my high school English teacher, would purse her lips and shake her head with dismay, if she were with us today. So...

A Christmas Treasure

by Curt Kovener “Silent Night,” which has been translated into nearly 300 languages, has become an anchor for Christmas celebrations throughout the world. Its lullaby-like melody and simple message of heavenly peace can be heard from small town street corners in...

Garden Catalogs Making An Early Arrival

by Curt Kovener An unusually early November snow greeted us last month. Perhaps that it the reason that in early December I received the unusually early first seed catalog of the season. It is a bit confusing trying to make Christmas preparations while being tempted...

So Maybe That’s What It’s Good For

by Curt Kovener The month of November is a fickle month. Early there is sunshine and some remaining brightly colored leaves which still adorn a soon-to-be barren landscape. Election day was barely sweater weather with bright sunshine. But the Indian Summer couldn’t...

Try Stepping Out This Thanksgiving

by Curt Kovener I try to eat healthy throughout the year. But I suspend the rules between Thanksgiving and New Years. That is when eating, drinking and laughter with family and friends comfort me. Thanksgiving is a time to gather in gratitude with the people we love...

The Most Intelligent Thing I Didn’t Say

by Curt Kovener During my 45 years in the newspaper business, I have occasionally heard, “ I was misquoted. I didn’t say that.” Frequently it comes after someone says something foolish or without sufficient thought, his/her words appear in print, and not wanting to...