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I Think I Have Acquired A Disease Or Something

by Curt Kovener The other day as I was working on this column at my computer, I began a sneezing fit. Reaching for a tissue, I pulled the last one from the box. Wanting to be prepared for the next time I needed a tissue, I went to the utility room to fetch a new box....

Important Questions Of Life

by Curt Kovener Perhaps it has been a while since this column has stimulated your intellect or your funny bone. So contemplate on these things that make you go hmmmmmm… If you throw a cat out of the car window, does it become kitty litter? If you choke a Smurf, what...

The Wilderness Awakes & Surprises

by Curt Kovener The wilderness has finally awakened from its winter’s nap. That which was darkened sticks reaching skyward just a month ago have now taken on a light green hue as leaf buds begin unfurling. I thought the woods was sleeping in like I do sometimes, but...

When Momma Talks, Better Pay Attention

by Curt Kovener I have a variety of online friends who pass along column material such as this one. But you need to pay attention this week. This information was forwarded to me by my Momma. And as we all are aware “Momma knows.” If you sit for more than 11 hours a...

Are You Happy?

(The title comes from a song by the psychedelic rock group Iron Butterfly back in the 1960’s…information I recall which may tell you more than I want you to know.) The long-term snow has now left the Hoosier hillsides though it could return in a more mild temporary...

Really? No Foolin’?

by Curt Kovener Today, April 1, is the day that pranks, jokes and buffoonery will take place. In grade school it was “Your shoe is untied.” And when we would look down to see the youthful prankster would exclaim “April Fool!” Not all that funny but it was grade...