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Important Things I Hope I Can Remember

by Curt Kovener Never play leapfrog with a unicorn. – Unknown After a year in therapy, my psychiatrist said to me, “Maybe life isn’t for everyone.” – Larry Brown Whenever I’m caught between two evils, I take the one I never tried....

Flag Wavin’ For The 40th Time

by Curt Kovener For 40 summers there has been a patriotic celebration in the community of Crothersville. Neither downpouring rain, tornadoes, or blazing hot heat and humidity have been able to stop it. Dampened it, blew it a bit, made us all sweat; but couldn’t stop...

Some Thoughts On The Human Condition

by Curt Kovener These are not my thoughts. These are the observations of comedians. Please read them with your funny bone tuned in. And don’t blame me. I’m just the messenger. “If a woman has to choose between catching a fly ball and saving an infant’s life, she...

Some Not-So-Famous Quotes

by Curt Kovener  We have all made predictions which not only didn’t come true, but were 180° from what actually happened. Here are some of the more “Durn, I wish I hadn’t said that” looks into the future back then. “Computers in the future may weigh no more than...

Unsolicited Advice To The Class Of 2015

by Curt Kovener (and others) The following is attributed as a commencement address that Hoosier author Kurt Vonnegut gave at MIT. There is no documentation that that urban legend ever happened. It is believed to be a part of a column written by Mary Schmich for the...

Not To ‘Herp’ Too Much But…

by Curt Kovener As I prepared to step off the porch to fertilize my growing garden of herbs, there was a brief moment of “oh-oh”. There was an adult milksnake lying in my front yard. Now I am not afraid of snakes but the first time I spot one there is always that...