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So Where Was Our Bridge Over Troubled Waters?

by Curt Kovener The floods of 2015 appear to have subsided for the time being. At least the flood waters that prevented passage over county and state roads along the Muscatatuck and White River basins. Farmers, will be dealing with the over abundance of water for some...

Even More Life Sayings I Hope I Can Remember

by Curt Kovener I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him. – Mark Twain There is nothing more exhilarating than to be shot at without result....

Overheard At The BMV

by Curt Kovener July is the month I must re-new the registration of my mini-SUV. And, while I am aware that I can re-new my plate online, I am also aware that the State of Indiana has had some security breaches amongst its many departments. So being made paranoid, I...

More Life Sayings I Hope I Can Remember

by Curt Kovener They copied all they could copy, But they couldn’t copy my mind; And I left them sweatin’ and stealin’, A year-and-a-half behind. – Rudyard Kipling If I could get my membership fee back, I’d resign from the human race....

A Week They’d Like To Forget…But Won’t

by Curt Kovener To say that Gov. Mike Pence and conservative Republicans had a bad week last week would be an extreme understatement. And the irony isn’t lost that the Supreme Court decisions came just a week before Independence Day. First the highest court in the...

Is Preservation Always A Good Thing?

by Curt Kovener The news that an agreement in principal was reached between the town of Crothersville and the Indiana Historic Landmarks to save the nearly 125-year-old Odd Fellows Lodge at the stoplight corner is met with mixed feelings here at the newspaper. I am a...