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Laborin’ On Labor Day

by Curt Kovener The recently completed Labor Day was established to recognize the men and women of the workforce who make things, provide services, and are generally the one’s responsible for keeping the economy moving. It is also a time when many of the rest of us...

Yet More Observations On Life

by Curt Kovener It is time to return to life sayings. This time a spattering of observations on life from Midwesterners’ eyes. Few things are harder to put up with than the annoyance of a good example ~Mark Twain Share the good fortune with others. ~Paul Newman...

Saying Good-Bye To A Friend

by Curt Kovener The news of the official closing of local manufacturer Regal Industries didn’t come as any great surprise. Those who travel by the business for the past several months could tell there were fewer cars in the parking lot and fewer semi trucks traveling...

A Crappy Job All The Way Around

by Curt Kovener After I flushed, I heard an extra gurgle or two and for a longer period of time. That’s odd, thought I. But the septic tank hadn’t had any formal attention (that’s the most polite way I can say it) since I bought the place back in that other...

Others’ Thoughts On The Workplace

by Curt Kovener Employment has rebounded in our area and future hiring looks good for workers but has employers wondering where quality workers will be coming from. Perhaps it is a good time to pass along some philosophies of business (and not-so-business) minds...

The Wilderness Flourishes In The Hoosier Humidity

by Curt Kovener It has been a while since I updated you on life in the wilderness. And since many of you have personally commented that you enjoy reading of my escapades in the wilderness, here is the Cliff Notes Summer Summary: more than ample rain and hot &...