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We Need Dreamers And Doers

by Curt Kovener What does Crothersville have that could make it distinct from other communities and could be used to the town’s advantage? No, it is not an apparent interest to keep all our historic buildings intact the way they were remembered in the 1950’s before...

This Isn’t Really A Column

by Curt Kovener (This week we return to the Curt Comments Archive for a previously published column.) Three different times this past week I received some mail that wasn’t what it appeared. What looked like an invoice wasn’t and unfortunately what appeared to be a...

A Time To Prepare And Share

by Curt Kovener We have begun the month of food. Sure, there were some preambles of public dining in October, but All Saints Day begins the family, friends and fund-raising food endeavors in earnest. Just look through this issue of the newspaper at the number of bread...

Nope, No Hover Boards Yet

by Curt Kovener If you are a fan of the “Back to the Future” movies, then you already know last Wednesday was a big day. Oct. 21, 2015 was very significant when the film originally hit the big screens back in the 1980s. In Back to the Future Part II, the characters...

Not In The Dictionary…But Should Be

by Curt Kovener Corean Lewis was a high school English and literature teacher at Crothersville for several decades. She impressed upon all of her students the importance of expanding our vocabulary. I don’t think these are what Mrs. Lewis meant. But she would have...

Not So Deep Thoughts

by Curt Kovener In clearing out the electronic in-box and trash can, I decided to do some recycling. So here are some not-so-thought provoking offerings. If anyone finds some of these offensive…maybe you need a sense of humor. I planted some birdseed. A bird came up....