Jan 20, 2016 | Curt Comments
by Curt Kovener We have passed the Ides of Janus (the midpoint of the first month of the year named after the Roman god of beginnings and passages). And if you have backslid on any new year resolutions, its not too late to start anew with some of these life enhancing...
Jan 13, 2016 | Curt Comments
by Curt Kovener Two holiday baking favorites— Honey and Cinnamon— may be just what the doctor ordered in a pleasant tasting preventative. According to the Canadian Weekly World News the spice and natural sweetener has a number of other uses. For a holistic...
Jan 6, 2016 | Curt Comments
by Curt Kovener This past 10 days or so confirmed to me my firm belief of many years. No, not with a 65° Christmas that Global Warming is fact not a myth. Well, it is, but that’s not the point or purpose of this column. No, many years ago the federal government got it...
Dec 23, 2015 | Curt Comments
by Curt Kovener Jackson County and the State of Indiana are not the only ones to celebrate a bicentennial next year. ‘Silent Night’, which has been translated into nearly 300 languages, has become an anchor for Christmas celebrations throughout the world was written...
Dec 16, 2015 | Curt Comments
by Curt Kovener We need not worry this holiday season about any faux war on Christmas, the commercialization of the holiday and its false profits, or whether there will be any or too much snow What I worry about are the demons of high tech. I am embarrassed that my...
Dec 9, 2015 | Curt Comments
by Curt Kovener ‘Tis the season and I got a hankerin’ for some eggnog. Grandma used to make it and it was Boiled Custard or the thick pre-frozen version of homemade ice cream. But when I went to a number of grocery stores, I was astounded to find that the sweet...