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My Hedge Investment In Blackberry Futures May Pay Off

by Curt Kovener From my observations in the wilderness fencerows and open areas, this could be a bonanza year. It seems that all of the dynamics have come together for a bumper crop of wild raspberry and blackberry. The winter was warm so few dormant second year canes...

Locked And Sometimes Loaded

by Curt Kovener (This is an encore column from the Curt Comments archives.) Back in the 1960’s, pop-rock singer Melanie charted a Top 10 song “I’ve Got A Brand New Pair Of Roller Skates (You’ve Got A Brand New Key)”. For you current day roller bladers, way back when,...

Red, White & Blue Festival Flag Trivia

by Curt Kovener This is the 41st time Crothersville has produced what is has become  “Indiana’s Most Patriotic Festival”. But let’s see if there are some little known or forgotten flag facts you may want to share. •By 1777, the U.S. was still waffling on the exact...

Newspaper Headlines Can Make Laughlines

by Curt Kovener We, in the newspaper business try to get it right. But despite out best intentions, sometimes glaring black and white headlines cause red-faced editors. Headlines are the selling point to attract attention to compel readers to continue to read the...

A Memorial Day Fishing Memory

by Curt Kovener I sat on the wilderness front porch with a chilled adult beverage late Saturday afternoon contemplating the coming week’s activities. There was the buzzing of bees and the sound of a single early cicada calling from the trees. A fish splashing in the...

Some Signs I’d Like to See

by Curt Kovener Way…way back in the day the Five Man Electrical Band did a song with the hook line “Signs, signs everywhere a sign.” Those of you who call the newspaper and leave a message with our electronic secretary know that we promote ourselves as “The Best...