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‘Laws’ That Confirm Life Can Be Futile

by Curt Kovener We have all heard of Murphy’s Law, “Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.” That is what Capt. Edward A. Murphy Jr., a US Air Force engineer once said and it has stuck in the American psyche. So much to the extent that there are numerous...

Plucking & Plunking

by Curt Kovener There’s another battle raging in the wilderness. This one isn’t with stinging insects building nests where they are too close for human inhabitants of the woodlands. I have a small fenced garden in the lower meadow. It is a decent walk from the house...

Relaxing Wilderness Exercise With Benefits

by Curt Kovener A few weeks ago I told you of my speculation of a promising crop of blackberries in the wilderness. I am pleased to report my prognostications were berry spot on. I have been three-for-three-for-three: 3- trips, 3- hours, 3-gallons over the past week....

Errors Worth Repeating

by Curt Kovener (This is an encore column from the Curt Comments archives.) Newspapers are rather unique since when we make misteaks…er, mistakes, they remain on the printed page to be recalled and entered into evidence of our blunder for sometimes years to come. But...

Military Tactics Sometimes Needed In the Wilderness

by Curt Kovener When I stepped off the front porch in the hot and humid Hoosier wilderness I heard a buzzing. It wasn’t the high-pitched buzz of a mosquito, it wasn’t the military cargo plane buzz of a horsefly either. And it wasn’t the silent buzz of a deerfly as it...

Mr Custom Cent

by Curt Kovener An anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase. For instance ‘listen’ can be rearranged into ‘silent’, which is helpful to be when we are to listen. And for you other wordsmiths here are some more....