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Units & Measures Not Taught In School

by Curt Kovener For those like me who thought the hardest part of Charles Bard’s high school physics class was the constant conversion from metric to English units, here are some useful Hoosier Humor System Conversions. Ratio of an igloo’s circumference to its...

Headlines That Make Us Go ‘Huh?’

by Curt Kovener You are reading a newspaper that is in the vast minority: a locally owned, individually operated news publication. Most print media are owned by chains or corporations. Often corporations have policies that sound good on paper but in practicality are...

A Southern Indiana Rite Of Passage

by Curt Kovener (This is an encore column from the Curt Comments archives.) I felt something shaking my foot through the covers of my bed. I really didn’t want to open my eyes because it seemed they had only drifted off to sleep just moments before. Then there was...

The Wilderness Is A Jungle

by Curt Kovener We are fast approaching Labor Day, that near the end of summer 3-day weekend holiday where I try to catch-up on all of the outdoor work that didn’t get done in preparation for autumn and the ultimately later frigid weather. Owing to alternating...

Very Punny Young Reporter

by Curt Kovener A Tom Swifty is a play on words that follows an unvarying pattern and relies on a punning relationship between the way an adverb describes a speaker and at the same time refers significantly to the import of the speaker’s statement. For instance,...

A Sobering For Middle Age Boomers

by Curt Kovener (This is an encore column from the Curt Comments archives.) When Elvis died it shocked me. Gone at age 42 a bloated poster child of what poor nutrition, drugs, and an opulent lifestyle can result. Now that was 39 years ago and many of us forgot. Some...