Oct 5, 2016 | Curt Comments
by Curt Kovener (This is an encore column from the Curt Comments archives.) There’s probably no one more independent, down to earth, and plain speaking than the American cowboy. The western lifestyle—or at least the romance and longing to be associated with that...
Sep 28, 2016 | Curt Comments
by Curt Kovener We are just over a month away from the general election and your favorite candidate is either ahead, behind or statistically tied depending on which poll you read and when. But there are other non-political polls conducted. Following are the odd...
Sep 21, 2016 | Curt Comments
by Curt Kovener The Autumnal Equinox—that time when the amount of daylight and dark is equal and signals the first day of fall—is tomorrow, Sept. 22. And according to the signs of nature in the wilderness, everything is on track. The dogwood leaves are turning tinges...
Sep 14, 2016 | Curt Comments
by Curt Kovener For those like me who thought the hardest part of Charles Bard’s high school physics class was the constant conversion from metric to English units, here are some useful Hoosier Humor System Conversions. Ratio of an igloo’s circumference to its...
Sep 7, 2016 | Curt Comments
by Curt Kovener You are reading a newspaper that is in the vast minority: a locally owned, individually operated news publication. Most print media are owned by chains or corporations. Often corporations have policies that sound good on paper but in practicality are...
Aug 31, 2016 | Curt Comments
by Curt Kovener (This is an encore column from the Curt Comments archives.) I felt something shaking my foot through the covers of my bed. I really didn’t want to open my eyes because it seemed they had only drifted off to sleep just moments before. Then there was...