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What’s The Difference?

by Curt Kovener My high school English teacher Mrs. Lewis was a stickler for increasing her students’ vocabulary. We would have weekly tests on a list of words she would supply. At the end of the week she would say the word and we were to spell it correctly and give...

Why Do We Like The Bogeyman So Much?

by Curt Kovener We claim to want to live in peace, but we really like scaring one another. There is the preacher from the pulpit warning of Armageddon and hellfire & brimstone. There are news reports of latest insect or animal spread virus, disease or illness....

Thanksgiving: A History & Reflection

by Curt Kovener Americans don’t know it and children aren’t taught it, but George Washington is responsible for our Thanksgiving holiday. It was our first president who led the charge to make this day of thanks a truly national event—not the Pilgrims and not Abraham...

Nawww… Did They Really Say That?

by Curt Kovener The election is over and many of us have already offered up a sigh of relief and a pre-Thanksgiving prayer of gratitude. But campaign promises and rhetoric oft carry over into elected officials’ misspeaks, verbal faux pas, or proof that we don’t elect...

Random Thoughts And Observations

by Curt Kovener’s Mom This week’s offering is “Mom Approved”. Or, I guess it is, she sent these to me. •The location of your mailbox shows you how far away from your house you can be in a robe, before you start looking like a mental patient. •My...

I’m Voting “NO” On Question No. 1

by Curt Kovener If you haven’t already voted, there’s a question on your election ballot next week wanting your decision on a constitutional question Indiana voters will have the chance to decide if people’s right to hunt and fish needs to be declared in the...