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Wilderness Yoga

by Curt Kovener New Years Day dawned gratefully sunny, dry and outdoors workable comfortable. I took that as an omen to get some overgrown briars, weeds, leaning trees and low hanging branches manicured in the wilderness. I sit on a newly formed county-wide committee...

Quotes On Christmas

compiled by Curt Kovener “Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before! What if Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store. What if Christmas…perhaps…means a little bit more!” ~ Dr. Seuss “The main reason Santa is so jolly is because he...

Leaving The Earthly Orb One Final Time

by Curt Kovener As naïve students at Crothersville Elementary School in the early 1960’s, we were in awe, inspired, and filled with pride at the fledgling space program which sent humans into the black void of the cosmos. It was a time when new words came to be a part...

What’s The Difference?

by Curt Kovener My high school English teacher Mrs. Lewis was a stickler for increasing her students’ vocabulary. We would have weekly tests on a list of words she would supply. At the end of the week she would say the word and we were to spell it correctly and give...

Why Do We Like The Bogeyman So Much?

by Curt Kovener We claim to want to live in peace, but we really like scaring one another. There is the preacher from the pulpit warning of Armageddon and hellfire & brimstone. There are news reports of latest insect or animal spread virus, disease or illness....

Thanksgiving: A History & Reflection

by Curt Kovener Americans don’t know it and children aren’t taught it, but George Washington is responsible for our Thanksgiving holiday. It was our first president who led the charge to make this day of thanks a truly national event—not the Pilgrims and not Abraham...