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Elected Leaders vs Media: It’s Historic

by Curt Kovener Donald Trump’s combative relationship with what he calls “the dishonest media” is nothing new. Politicians, elected officials, and bureaucrats have been complaining about the press since the very first days of our country. Thomas Jefferson, our...

Democrats Get Chance To Be The Adults

by Curt Kovener Reason must resurface and prevail among the nation’s elected representatives. Democrats in the U.S. Senate can take a significant step in leading the country toward reasonable governing, and away from chaos. Those senators can set an example of the...

It’s Made Out Of WHAT?!?!?

by Curt Kovener Knowledge is power but sometimes things are best left unknown. My ‘Bathroom Book Of Lists’ (and maybe THAT is more information than you want to know) listed how some frequently used foods are processed for human consumption. Gelatin: Used as a...

Local ‘Alternative Facts’ You Likely Didn’t Know

by Curt Kovener An unusual concept came loudly into public view recently when senior White House advisor Kellyanne Conway said presidential press secretary Sean Spicer (gratefully no relation to Crothersville School Board president Bob Spicer) used “alternative facts”...

Creative Puns for Educated Minds

by Curt Kovener Puns, it can be said, are a sign of a superior intellect. They are a sign of an expanded vocabulary, play on words and word meanings. Some puns dribble off the tongue with ease; some require some thought. But I enjoy the eye-rolling, corny groaner of a...

Speak Precisely And Don’t Be Homo-phobic

by Curt Kovener A homonym, as Mrs. Lewis’ CHS English students will no doubt recall, is a word that sounds like another or perhaps is spelled the same as another but has a different meaning. And homonyms are one of the reasons English is so difficult to learn. That...