May 3, 2017 | Curt Comments
by Curt Kovener This is another encore column from the Curt Comments archives. We make our share of boo-boos in the newspaper industry. Actually, at the Crothersville Times we are above average in the boo-boo department. But unlike other businesses, government or...
Apr 26, 2017 | Curt Comments
by Curt Kovener (This week’s column is an encore offering from the Curt Comment archives.) Have you ever noticed how diametrically opposed we sometimes speak? When someone says, “Not to change the subject, but…” what is the next thing they do? They change the subject....
Apr 19, 2017 | Curt Comments
by Curt Kovener I sometimes do not know if I am being pranked or edified by information on the internet. Unlike some people, I do not believe everything on the internet, TV or radio. Heck, I am even suspect of the stuff I read in this newspaper. Apparently I am...
Apr 12, 2017 | Curt Comments
by Curt Kovener I am getting over a nasty cold. Or speaking more precisely, I am getting over the effects of the drugs that I took to alleviate the symptoms of my nasty cold. My doctor once told me that a cold lasts for about a week. Or you can take some medicine and...
Mar 29, 2017 | Curt Comments
by Curt Kovener Last week I vented on being carded for proof of age when buying alcohol. It must have worked because over the weekend I made purchases of adult beverages without being asked to prove I was an adult. As we are all aware, funding the cost of healthcare...
Mar 22, 2017 | Curt Comments
by Curt Kovener I now have in my possession official proof: I have gray hair and Medicare. That patriotic red, white & blue card not only provides me with health insurance but insures that I can officially act like an old codger with little patience for suffering...