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Wilderness Growth At Summer’s Solstice

by Curt Kovener I am writing this on the Ides of June, just a few days before today’s Summer Solstice marking the official beginning of summer. But I can reliably tell you the growing season arrived much earlier in the wilderness. The hills and hollers and flats are...

Patrol Ponderings

by Emma the Great Pyrenees While the Editor was busy with Red, White & Blue Festival coverage, I was tickled when asked to write a guest column for a newspaper. What a treat! Oh, did I say “tickled?” I meant to say, “I itch. Badly. Usually in the area around my...

Hoosier Knowledge Of Indiana History?

by Curt Kovener Maybe you are a life-long Hoosier; maybe you are a recent immigrant to Indiana but you should enjoy knowing more about the state in which we live. (No, not the state of confusion!) •Nearby Bedford is known as the Limestone Capital on the World.”...

Improve Your Vocabulary Over the Summer

by Curt Kovener Nearing the end of May, school is almost out for most students but for the true professionals, we know that education is a year-long life-long experience. So to start your summer school, study up on these new vocabulary words so that you will not be...

Is The Goal Still To Make Health Care Affordable?

No one can be certain how the average American will be affected by the health care bill approved last week by the U.S. House of Representatives. That’s because the measure has not yet been analyzed by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, something critics say...

So What Have You Learned?

by Curt Kovener We never quit learning. I have learned a lot about people over my six+ decades around the area. Good friends recently shared what they have learned over the years…all life observances I’ve learned… •That just one person saying to me, “You’ve made...