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Some Of Life’s Confounding Questions

by Curt Kovener Now that I am a member of the gray hair and Medicare Club, I have been around long enough to compile some perplexing and confounding questions on the world in which we live. I’m not talking about ‘What’s the meaning of life?’ or ‘Does the Universe have...

Words We Weren’t Taught But Learned Anyway

by Curt Kovener Vocabulary was a sub-subject of high school English that Mrs. Lewis always stressed. There was a very thick dictionary in her room that we were encouraged to use. Today, there is online Wikopedia for word definitions since we all seem to be wired to...

Fall Fell But The Temperatures Did Not

by Curt Kovener Fall officially began across Hoosier land last Thursday with the Autumnal Equinox but the thermometer remained near 90°. While the calendar says it is officially fall, the wilderness has been giving signs of the changing seasons for several weeks. Some...

We Don’t Even Rank In The Top 10

by Curt Kovener Harvey hammered Houston now as of this writing Irma is trying to blow Florida away. Who knows as we go down the alphabet what additional national disasters may befall us. Old Testament believers might say that God is smiting this nation. But...

Well, Back When I Was In School . . .

by Curt Kovener The opinion piece below this column was penned by a well-respected Ball State University economist. He proposes that to keep small schools in their community in Indiana, communities need to merge school corporations, boards and administration. So let’s...

Life Truths… yet another version

by Curt Kovener In light of the constant barrage of tweets and news(?) out of Washington, perhaps we need a weekly chuckle to maintain some semblance of balance in our lives. But if you disagree, perhaps it is because you are imbalanced. After scanning the Internet...