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Sharing the Bounty…Even If It is Meager

by Curt Kovener By now many of us are beginning to commence to initiate the preliminary cooking for tomorrow’s feast. Pitch-in dinners and family gatherings will be pretty much standard fare as will turkey, dressing, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce and desserts...

The Most Intelligent Thing I Didn’t Say

by Curt Kovener In the newspaper business, I occasionally hear, “ I was misquoted. I didn’t say that.” Frequently it comes after someone says something foolish or without sufficient thought, his/her words appear in print, and not wanting to fess up, claims the...

Color Has Finally Arrived At The Wilderness

by Curt Kovener Whether it is old school Techni-color® or new school 4K high definition, autumn colors are abundant in the almost area of Jackson County. For the geographically puzzled that the is area that is almost to Lawrence County, almost to Monroe County, almost...

Thoughts On November

by Curt Kovener We have begun the month of “no”: no flowers, no fruits, no vegetables, no warm sun…November. Here are some others’ thoughts on the penultiment month of the year. “Even if something is left undone, everyone must take time to sit still and watch...

Conversation Starters, Useless & Otherwise

by Curt Kovener Next time there is a lull in the conversation, enjoy the brief quiet, the share one of these talking stimulants. •If you are right handed, you will tend to chew your food on the right side of your mouth. If you are left handed, you will tend to chew...