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The W In Christmas

by Curt Kovener (Christmas traditions make the winter holiday special. We share with you another of our Christmas traditions with this story from the Curt Comments archives.) Each December, I vowed to make Christmas a calm and peaceful experience. I had cut back on...

A Not-So-Time In The Wilderness

by Curt Kovener This is a not-so-pretty time in the wilderness. The brown leaves continue to blow about even after multiple raking, mulching and cleanup. The brown bones of bare trees offer little contrast or color to the drab hills and hollers. The October pumpkins...

Wise & Wise Acre…Part Deux

by Curt Kovener My long-time friend Joe Persinger and I share a number of similarities: singing and playing guitar, a career in the newspaper business, a fondness for wine, and sharing puns & corny jokes. It is on that last quality I ask your indulgence and,...

That Fine Line Between Wise & Wise Acre

by Curt Kovener (While the editor is working off too much holiday turkey, we reached into the Curt Comments archive for a repeat performance of this week’s column.) Aphorism is a short, pointed sentence that expresses a wise or clever observation or a general...

Sharing the Bounty…Even If It is Meager

by Curt Kovener By now many of us are beginning to commence to initiate the preliminary cooking for tomorrow’s feast. Pitch-in dinners and family gatherings will be pretty much standard fare as will turkey, dressing, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce and desserts...

The Most Intelligent Thing I Didn’t Say

by Curt Kovener In the newspaper business, I occasionally hear, “ I was misquoted. I didn’t say that.” Frequently it comes after someone says something foolish or without sufficient thought, his/her words appear in print, and not wanting to fess up, claims the...