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I Don’t Mean To Bore You, But…

by Curt Kovener (This week we reached back into the Curt Comments archives for an encore writing.) Have you ever noticed how diametrically opposed we sometimes speak? When someone says, “Not to change the subject, but…” what is the next thing they do? They change the...

The ‘Indiana Insect Control & Enforcement Division’

Those who worry about Indiana’s image in more enlightened sections of the country can relax a little now that one black mark on the state’s reputation has been erased: It is no longer one of only four states that do not have an official insect. Hoosier entomologists...

Is DST Worth The Hassle?

by Curt Kovener Show of hands: Who among you forgot to set your clocks ahead one hour before bed Saturday and were late for church the following morning? Don’t be embarrassed. Dozens of area families likely got a late start. Daylight-saving time began at 2 a.m. this...

All Good Things Must Come To An End

by Curt Kovener Many times in my youthful misbehavior my Mom or Dad, Grandpa & Grandma, Gramp & Granny (and even my Aunt Clarice) would admonish me that they would make me improve my behavior if it was the last thing they did. So I then behaved…at lease when...

Paying Attention To Punctuation

by Curt Kovener Sitting in high school English class I felt compelled to pay attention. Mrs. Lewis was not only my teacher; she also was our neighbor for the first five years of my life. I realized that if I were caught not paying attention, she would resort to the...

Pun Stars

by Curt Kovener A couple of my friends who enjoy puns are vacationing in warmer places now. The day they left it started snowing in the wilderness…so I guess the joke is on me. But they will be reading these when the return in a couple of weeks so you will have a leg...