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Rools Four All Who Reed And Right

by Curt Kovener The English language is difficult because it sets rules and then breaks them. I still remember many of the English lessons and rules my high school teacher, Corean Lewis taught us even though it has been a half-century plus since I was sitting in her...

An Early Toast To the New Year

by Curt Kovener As the Times takes a much needed holiday break, Some of your we will be with to see in the new year, but for those with whom we will not be with in person, we will be there in spirit. Never an old year passes, Never a new year begins that someone...

Gobble Up These Turkey Stats

by Curt Kovener A cornucopia is a symbol of abundance. Sometimes called the Horn of Plenty, it traditionally is a woven container in the shape of a curved horn filled with fruits & vegetables. In ancient time, it was a goat’s horn. The cornucopia has long been...

My Favorite Color Is October

by Curt Kovener Here are some thoughts, observations, and poetic wisdom of others on the Autumnal Season. •And all at once, summer collapsed into fall. – Oscar Wilde •Fall has always been my favorite season. The time when everything bursts with its last beauty, as if...

Frank O’Bannon…Now He Was Somebody

by Curt Kovener It’s been 20 years…two decades… since he died. In that time a generation has passed; a new generation has taken their place. Many may have forgotten; many more may not know of the leadership, statesmanship, compromising consensus builder that was the...

Units and Measures

by Curt Kovener For those who thought the hardest part of Charles Bard’s CHS high school physics class was the constant conversion from metric to English units, here are some useful Hoosier Humor System Conversions. And if you have to ask “who was Charles Bard?” stop...