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Chilling Cold Quotes

by Curt Kovener Here we are now halfway through winter. It just about six more weeks until the first day of spring. We’ve gone through a few days of negative temperatures followed by a warm up and followed yet again by another 6-8 or 10 weeks of occasional bone...

Signs, Signs, Everywhere There’s Signs

by Curt Kovener Back in the day (and I think the day was around 1971) a group of Canadian musicians called ‘Five Man Electrical Band’ charted a song named “Signs”. It was a rebellious sort of song blasting being told what to do…”do this, don’t do that. Can’t you read...

More Anguished English

by Curt Kovener (This is an encore column from the Curt Comments archives.) With apologies to Mrs. Lewis, my high school English teacher. Let’s face it. English is a crazy language. There is no egg in eggplant, nor ham in hamburger; neither apple nor pine in a...

Nearly Hoodwinked!

by Curt Kovener We have all read and maybe just glossed over stories of attempts by cybercriminals to spam and scam and otherwise steal our money and misuse our identity. I read and didn’t pay much attention. Now that’s changed. Before the holidays as I was traveling...

Maybe It Wasn’t The Grinch Who First Stole Christmas

by Curt Kovener A law was passed requiring everyone to pay a tax in his hometown. That was the law decreed over 2,000 years ago by an occupying Roman government authority. So without government involvement, Old Testament prophecy would not have been fulfilled and...