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A Redundancy Of Onyms

by Curt Kovener Education is a lifelong process. Particularly when one must use words in his line of work. I do have diplomas somewhere that say I completed high school and college classes, but most of my knowledge came from HKU…Hard Knocks University. Seat of the...

Wilderness Awakens From Winter’s Slumber

by Curt Kovener There are signs that the wilderness is returning to life after a winter slumber. The birds at our feeder are changing into their bright warm weather plumage…all except for the cardinals that seem to have brighter red feathers against the winter snow....

Celebrating Your Right To Know

by Curt Kovener Today we are in the middle of Sunshine Week 2019. No, dear reader, this is not a week when they sun must shine and warm us up a bit…though it would be welcome. Sunshine Week, which highlights the importance of open government, was established in 2005...

Words To Be Guided By

by Curt Kovener February is Black History month, so as we approach its final day, some quotes from civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. are in order. There were fitting when said; they are more fitting in 2019. Our thanks to Professor Ron Adkins for...

Incivility: Just Where Are We Headed?

by Curt Kovener “For they sow the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.” Hosea 8:7 The prophet Hosea warned the people of his nation, Old Testament Israel, that their actions had consequences, consequences that would be much worse than they could possibly expect....

I Guess That Is Why They are Called Comforters

by Curt Kovener (This is an encore column from the Curt Comments archives.) You had probably just finished reading your last Times of January on Wednesday evening, when I dismissed some mild stomach and queasiness as something I ate. But before long the stomach pains...