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Learning From Others’ Thoughts

by Curt Kovener It has been a while since we visited the quotation library of Professor Ron Atkins. Our trip and our expanded understanding is long over due…and timely. Some of these will be humorous and that’s OK, some will rub you the wrong way and that’s OK, but...

Some Thoughts On Which To Think

by Curt Kovener (This is an encore column from the Curt Comments archives.) Here is some trivia, facts and bits of information which may be of no use but will make you a more informed human. •It takes glass one million years to decompose, which means it never wears...

Don’t Blame Me, Life Made Me That Way

by Curt Kovener I do not know if schools still issue a hard-copy report card. Perhaps email, text or some specialized app may get student grades to parents these days. But back in the middle part of the last century, report cards got their name because they were on...

Fuzzy Flannel Sheets Warm The Winter Night

by Curt Kovener I’m going to clue you in on a bedroom secret at our house. This isn’t X-rated but it is Z-rated as in ZZZzzzz. When colder weather arrives in the wilderness, our bed gets covered with flannel sheets: top sheet, bottom sheet and pillow cases. Yep, the...

I Was Just Thinking…

by Curt Kovener (This is an encore column from the Curt Comments archives.) Some people think too much. Others only think when they have nothing else to do. An online friend must do a little of both, I surmise, for I received the following for use when I suffer...

Pithy Truths & Observations

by Curt Kovener I am not precisely sure of our relationship. Bill is the son of one of my mother’s cousins. So whether we are second or third cousins once or twice removed I am not sure. I just call him Cussin’ Bill, which he doesn’t do but it is just fun to say. So...