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These Days Are Hard: Some Like Diamonds, Some Like Stone

by Curt Kovener We all are having those times in our lives (particularly now) when sometimes we’re the windshield and sometimes we’re the bug. Or as one of my editorial colleagues said, “I feel like a fireplug and everyone around me are dogs.”There was a story about a...

Doctor, Doctor, I Have A Painful Pun

by Curt Kovener It seems that a hypothetical hospital wanted to expand their building. When a group of doctors were asked to contribute to the construction of the new wing:•allergists voted to scratch it;•dermatologists preferred no rash moves;•gastroenterologists has...

Thoughts On Our Current Times From Those Of The Past

by Curt Kovener I recently stumbled across a quote by Frederick Douglass, “Between the Christianity of this land and the Christianity of Christ, I recognize the widest possible difference.” It seems appropriate for these current times so I reflected on two other great...

Don’t Blame Me, Life Made Me That Way

In light of social distancing, fun-times cancellations, the mental and emotional anxiety caused by coronavirus, perhaps it is time again for a column of real-life(?) lightheartedness(?) and observations from my caustic desk calendar.•Better grab your dumbrella. It’s...

Signs Of A Bountiful Blackberry Crop Amid Coronavirus

by Curt Kovener From my observations of the wilderness fencerows and open areas, this should be a bonanza year.It seems that all of the dynamics have come together for a bumper crop of wild blackberry.The winter was warm so few dormant second year canes were frozen....