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Having The Numbers Of Things On My Mind

by Curt Kovener In the beginning, it was pretty simple. I had a birth date which hasn’t changed, a birth weight which has continued to grow as I grow out, and a birth length which today is a long way from my original 19” height (or is it horizontal since it was a...

Maybe It’s Snake-tember?

by Curt Kovener There is an old, dead sassafras tree about a foot in diameter at its base that fell and hung up in a neighboring tree about 15 years ago here in the wilderness. It’s about 10 feet from the screened-in porch and we have watched birds, blue-tailed...

Sometimes Older Equates To Wiser…Sometimes

by Curt Kovener For those of you who have eclipsed the Ides of your century (for thosee challenged by history and literature, that’s over age 50) remember, getting older is better than the alternative.It will be some time before I am four score and seven years as my...

Our Hoosier Wilderness Tennessee Garden

by Curt Kovener All of our garden vegetables are producing well now: sweet corn, tomatoes, zucchini, and herbs. Back in the spring we planted some corn figuring Emma the Great Pyrenees would keep the raccoons away. And she has. Like most sweet corn, it is late due to...

Information That Isn’t Taught In Our Schools

by Curt Kovener Maybe students will be in class in Jackson & Scott County next month. Maybe COVID-19 will have another plan for area education and educators.Distant learning can occur; especially from out here in the wilderness. But it is more than dry book...

Not The Time For Hoosiers To Relax

by Curt Kovener Festering uneasiness across the country is underscored by the growing numbers of new cases of coronavirus, especially across the sun belt and western states. Arizona, Texas, California, Florida and the Carolinas are among the new hot spots. Emerging...