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Drop The ‘Me First’ Attitude And Help Fight COVID-19

by Curt Kovener Despite what some have predicted, COVID-19 hasn’t gone away with summer or fall or the general election. In fact, it’s only gotten worse and now holds Indiana and Jackson and Scott County in its ever-tightening and potentially deadly grasp. We were...

Brutally Honest Observations From Just A Brutal 2020

by Curt Kovener •Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, a beautiful tradition where families and friends join together to raise America’s obesity rates.•I am a person who wants to do a lot of things, trapped in the body of a person who wants to sleep a lot.•You know you’re...

What’s A COVID Sequesterd Family To Do?

by Curt Kovener COVID cases are rising. The Governor has ordered additional restrictions in what we should safely do. The hospital has restricted surgeries and procedures so don’t get too sick. And here we are on the cusp on the holiday season and are being warned...

Nothing Matters…And What If It Did

by Curt Kovener Now that the election is over, it doesn’t matter whether your candidate won or lost. The prophet John coined the title of this column: we all should remember it often.And remember some of these when you’re feeling low… and especially when you’re...

Thoughts On November…

by Curt Kovener We now find ourselves in the eleventh month of a year many of us wish would hurry and get over so we can (optimistically) look forward to a new and improved 2021. But to soothe our souls, contemplate on the observations of others about the month we...

An All Hallow’s Eve History

by Curt Kovener All Hollow’s Eve is this Saturday, but how did it get to be what it is today?Halloween’s origins date back to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain (pronounced sow-in). The Celts, who lived 2,000 years ago, mostly in the area that is now Ireland, the...