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Our Covid Christmas Carol

by Curt Kovener Life in December 2020 may feel as if we’re in a production of “A Christmas Carol.”For Ebenezer Scrooge, the Ghosts of Christmases Past, Present and Future forced him to do some soul searching. For folks today, this tumultuous pandemic year has led to...

The Warm & Fuzzy Time Of The Year

by Curt Kovener I’m going to clue you in on a bedroom secret here in the Hoosier Wilderness.This isn’t X-rated but it is Z-rated as in ZZZzzzzzz.When colder weather arrives in this neck of the woods of the Hoosier State, our bed gets covered with flannel sheets: top...

40 Years Of Changing & Staying The Same

by Curt Kovener The Times quietly noted an anniversary last week. In a pandemic it is not wise nor healthy to do so with a lot of public partying and fanfare.It was at this time in 1980—40 years ago—that the newspaper you are reading was inaugurated.The first week of...

Drop The ‘Me First’ Attitude And Help Fight COVID-19

by Curt Kovener Despite what some have predicted, COVID-19 hasn’t gone away with summer or fall or the general election. In fact, it’s only gotten worse and now holds Indiana and Jackson and Scott County in its ever-tightening and potentially deadly grasp. We were...

Brutally Honest Observations From Just A Brutal 2020

by Curt Kovener •Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, a beautiful tradition where families and friends join together to raise America’s obesity rates.•I am a person who wants to do a lot of things, trapped in the body of a person who wants to sleep a lot.•You know you’re...

What’s A COVID Sequesterd Family To Do?

by Curt Kovener COVID cases are rising. The Governor has ordered additional restrictions in what we should safely do. The hospital has restricted surgeries and procedures so don’t get too sick. And here we are on the cusp on the holiday season and are being warned...