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Is Stupidity A Dominant Gene?

Several weeks ago the Wall Street Journal ran an op-ed column entitled “You Are Living in the Golden Age of Stupidity.” The author, Lance Morrow of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, wrote a humorous yet thought-provoking analysis of America’s seeming fascination...

How’s Come Is It?

by Curt Kovener When I was in college (way back in that other millennium) there was an above average intelligent class member who would raise her hand to ask a question prefaced with “How’s Come Is it…” followed by her question. Professor Hart, a patient educator, who...

A Sobering Time For Graying Boomers

by Curt Kovener (This is an updated encore column from the Curt Comments archives.) When Elvis died it shocked me. Gone at age 42 a bloated poster child of what poor nutrition, drugs, and an opulent lifestyle can result. Now that was more than 40 years —a...

Fall Is The Times For Molasses

by Curt Kovener I have written on several occasions of my enjoyment of the outdoor life in the wilderness. And Becky and Emma the Great Pyrenees share that interest in the outdoors. Thanks to Emma’s late afternoon walkabouts, they have has taken up hunting… mole...

No, Old Friend, It Won’t

by Curt Kovener Friends come into our lives often without us knowing it. Then there is the realization that we have a lot in common and our circles of friends grow and intertwine. This is a very abridged accounting of such a friendship. My first recollection of Mike...

Sometimes Twisted Logic Still Makes Sense

by Curt Kovener (This is an encore column from the Curt Comments archives.) Sometimes in doing some research for column topics I end up going down a rabbit hole and coming up with a wide and sometimes wild variety of column fodder. Consider, if you will. this offering...