You are hereby notified that on Saturday, May 28, 2016 at 09:00 AM, the Vernon Township Fire Protection District Board, Jackson County, State of Indiana, pursuant to notice heretofore given, and under and by the virtue of 36-8-14, duly adopted a plan whereby a Cumulative Firefighting Building & Equipment Fund was established to provide the following:

The purpose of the fund is purchase of firefighting equipment and other legal uses as set out in IC 36-8-14.

The fund will be provided for by a property tax rate of three and thirty-three one hundreths (0.0333) on each one hundred dollars ($100) of taxable real and personal property within the taxing unit beginning in 2016 payable in 2017, and thereafter, continuing until reduced or rescinded.

Ten (10) or more taxpayers in the taxing district who will be affected by the tax rate and corresponding tax levy may file a petition with the Jackson County Auditor, not later than noon thirty (30) days after the publication of this Notice, setting forth their objections to the proposed rate and levy.

Upon the filing of the petition, the County Auditor shall immediately certify the same to the Department of Local Government Finance, at which time the Department will fix a date for and conduct a public hearing on the proposed rate and levy before issuing its approval or disapproval thereof.

Vernon Township Fire Protection District

Lynn Howard, President

Saturday, May 28, 2016

06/08  hspaxlp





John and Myrtle Carroll

Last known address:

802 N. Blish St.

Seymour, IN 47274


Pursuant to IC 6-1.1-24 and -25, et seq., Paul Foster (referred to as “Purchaser”), hereby gives notice that he purchased the tax sale property located at 802 N. Blish St., Seymour, Indiana, on April 6, 2016.

The real estate is identified as Leininger 1–48, City of Seymour; Parcel Number #36-66-17-201-026.000-009, with a street address of 802 N. Blish St., Seymour, Indiana.

The owners of this real estate are John and Myrtle Carroll, last known address is:  802 N. Blish St., Seymour, Indiana 47274.

The tax sale certificate number is: 361500083

Tax sale certificate purchase price: $5,117.85

Pursuant to Indiana law, you have 120 days from the date of tax sale, April 6, 2016, in which to redeem the property.  This right of redemption expires August 4, 2016.

The owner, occupant, a person with a substantial interest of public record, or any person is entitled to redeem the tract or real property.

The components of the amount required to redeem the real property include taxes, special assessments, penalties and costs, as set forth in I.C. 6-1.1-25-2, the exact amount of which may be obtained from the Auditor of Jackson County, Indiana.  This amount may be increased by daily interest and by expenses incurred by Purchaser in obtaining a tax deed.

One hundred ten percent (110%) of the minimum bid for which the tract or real property was offered at the time of sale, if the tract or item of real property is redeemed no more than six months after the date of the sale; or

One hundred fifteen percent (115%) of the minimum bid for which the tract or real property was offered at the time of sale, if the tract or item of real property is redeemed more than six months, but not more than one year, after the date of sale.

In addition to the amount required under (a) and (b) above, the total amount required for redemption includes the amount by which the purchase price exceeds the minimum bid on the real property plus five percent per annum on the amount by which the purchase price exceeds the minimum bid on the property.

In addition to the amount required under (a) (b) and (c), the total amount required for redemption includes all taxes and special assessments upon the property paid by the purchaser after the sale plus five percent interest per annum on those taxes and special assessments.

In addition to the amount required under (a), (b), (c) and (d), the total amount required for redemption includes the following costs as I certified to the county auditor;

Attorney fees and costs of giving notice $400.00

Costs of title search or of examining and updating the abstract of title for the real property:  $150.00

Subsequent taxes paid.

The Purchaser is entitled to reimbursement for additional taxes or special assessments on the real estate that are paid by Purchaser after the tax sale and before redemption, plus interest.

Purchaser or Purchaser’s assignee is entitled to reimbursement for costs described in I.C. 6-1.1-25-2 (e).

To date, the property has not been redeemed.

Paul Foster is entitled to receive a deed to this real estate if it is not redeemed before August 4, 2016.

On or after August 4, 2016, Paul Foster will petition for a tax deed to be issued.

If the property is not redeemed, the owner of the real estate at the time the tax deed is issued may have the right to tax sale surplus, if any.

06/08    HSPAXLP