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The contents of storage Unit 37, formerly rented to Kelly Reed, at the Crothersville Handie Self Storage on Marshall Drive in Crothersville will be opened and contents disposed of as a result on non-payment of rent on Saturday, Jan. 26, 2013 unless prior arrangements are made.
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This is to inform members of the Jackson County Water Utility, Inc. of the upcoming Annual Membership Meeting. The meeting will be held at the Brownstown Central High School cafeteria on Monday, March 11, 2013 at 7 p.m.
The meeting is held each year for the purposes of elected three (3) members to the Board of Directors, to hear reports of the manager, president and other officers of the corporation and to conduct any and all other business which may properly come before the meeting.( In addition, for this year due to a vacancy in District 1 last year, the Director for District 1 (Salt Creek Township) will stand for election.
The election process is as follows: 1) A member of the corporation must nominate another member of the corporation as a candidate for election to the Board of Directors held at the annual meeting of the Corporation, 2) The person so nominated must be a member in good standing and must reside in the district up for election that year. 3) The nominating member shall provide their name and address and the name and address of the person nominated by them in writing to the Election Committee of the Corporation no later than Monday, February 4th. The nomination shall be mailed or delivered to the “Election Committee”, 1119 West Spring Street, Brownstown, IN 47220. 4) The Election Committee shall determine the qualification pf the nominating member and the person nominated. Those persons so nominated shall be qualified to the ballot for Director by Monday, March 4th. 5) No nominations for Director shall be taken from the floor at the annual meeting.
(Each membership shall have one vote. (Example: If a membership is listed with both husband and wife’s name, either may cast a ballot but not both.)
The Districts and the current Directors up for election this year are: District 5 (Brownstown Township), Richard Tormoehlen; District 7 (Carr Township), Tim Steltenpohl; District 9, (Vernon Township), Glen Henry;
In addition, this year due to a vacancy in District 1 last year, an additional person will be elected for District 1, (Salt Creek Township), Clayton Beard.
If you have any questions about the nomination process fell free to contact the corporation office at 812-358-3654.
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