Notice is hereby given that the Crothersville Town Council will conduct a public hearing at 5:30 p.m. on November 5, 2012 at the Crothersville Town Hall, 111 East Howard Street, Crothersville, Indiana, to consider the sale or disposition of the following described parcel of surplus real estate owned by the Town of Crothersville, Indiana.
This notice is given pursuant to the provisions of Indiana Code 36-1-11-1 et seq. and 5-3-1-1 et seq. The described parcel has been determined to be surplus real estate.
The purpose of the scheduled public hearing is to receive public input on the propriety, benefits and/or negatives of selling the parcel. No formal decision to sell the same has been made to-date. Interested persons will be allowed to speak and present evidence and materials at the public hearing. At the conclusion of the public hearing relative to the possible sale of the surplus parcel, the Crothersville Town Council may continue the hearing to a subsequent date; may determine not to sell the parcel; or may determine to sell the parcel.
As to the parcel hereinafter described, the Town Council has secured appraisals as required by
I.C. ”36-1-11-1 et seq.
The surplus parcel which is the subject of the public hearing should the Town Council determine to proceed with the sale of such parcel is described as follows:
1. Real estate commonly known as: 200 North Block, Kovener Street, Crothersville, IN
2. Legal description as follows: Lots number one (1) and two (2) in Ernest Kovener’s Addition, to the Town of Crothersville, Jackson County, State of Indiana, together with all buildings situated thereon.
3. Parcel/Key Number: 36-46-10-304-025.000-016
Town Council of the Town of Crothersville, Indiana
Michele Teipen, Clerk-Treasurer