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The Indiana Department of Revenue began issuing more than 90,000 tax bills this week to Hoosiers throughout the state and beyond Indiana borders. These tax bills are for those who filed Indiana individual income taxes that were due April 18 indicating they owe taxes, but who have not yet paid their tax bills to date.
The bills collectively total more than $50 million. Revenue agency Commissioner John Eckart cautions that if the tax debts are not paid by the dates specified on the bills, they could convert into tax warrants and be turned over to the county sheriff or a professional collection agency, which is allowable under Indiana law.
“However, I want to reiterate that about 98 percent of all Indiana taxpayers file and pay their bills on time,” said Eckart. “We anticipate most of the people who receive these bills will pay them in full or work out a payment arrangement.”
The revenue agency does offer an online tool that allows taxpayers who owe $100 or greater to make a payment arrangement. To make payment arrangements, taxpayers must pay 10 percent down of the total tax bill.
“At this point, a 10 percent penalty has been added to the bills per Indiana law, and interest will continue to accrue until the taxpayer’s bill is paid in full,” said Eckart.
Payment plans can be set for 12- to 24-month increments, depending on the amount of the tax bill. Hoosiers wishing to take advantage of this option can do so by visiting
For taxpayers who owe less than $100, they may contact the Department of Revenue at 317.232.2165 to see if they qualify for a special-case payment arrangement for a three-month period.