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The Jackson County Democratic Central Committee elected Mary Ellen Emch of Seymour to lead rebuilding of the party and upcoming election efforts in a meeting March 1 at Brownstown.

A meeting for further organization will be announced in the next few days, Emch said.

A pharmacist who practiced in San Antonio, Texas, Emch returned to Jackson County a few years ago. Under her maiden name of Dominik, she was graduated from Seymour High School where she was 1981 editor-in-chief of The Patriot yearbook, among other activities.

She said the party invites participation and especially is looking for younger members to join those who have been involved for many years.

Joining her to lead the party are Joshua Ratliff, vice chair; Ann Green, secretary, and Jedidiah Ratliff, treasurer. All are from the Seymour area. The Ratliffs are brothers.

The past secretary, Yvonne Willhite, conducted the election for chair, after which Emch presided. Counting ballots in a race between Jedidiah Ratliff and Pam Bobb for treasurer were Pat Bahan, Democratic representative on the county election board, and Karen Metz, retiring treasurer.

From left to right are new leaders for the Jackson County Democratic Party: Mary Ellen Emch, Jedidiah Ratliff, Ann Green and Joshua Ratliff.