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Royalty Roofing, whose corporate headquarters is in Seymour. established an annual free roof give away to honor those who have served our country in the military.

“This is the second year for the program,” said company founder Andy Royalty. “We set up the program to take place in conjunction with the Veterans Day commemoration.

According to customer relations manager Kevin Gabbard, “We advertise this promotion on the company’s Facebook page as well as our website. This year we had 35 entries and the VFW Post 1083 in Crothersville was drawn as the winner.

Gabbard notified Post Commander Jon Tracy about being selected and they are very excited and grateful.

The tear off and re-roof took place over just two days last week, Gabbard said

The VFW mission is “To foster camaraderie among United States veterans of overseas conflicts. To serve our veterans, the military, and our communities. To advocate on behalf of all veterans”.

Royalty Roofing Customer Relations Manager Kevin Gabbard and Post 1083 Commander Jon Tracy stand in front of the newly re-roofed VFW Post in Crothersville.