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Four juveniles were held following the Scott County Sheriff’s Department investigation of theft and vandalism in northern Scott County last week.

Just after midnight on Monday, July, the first of several acts of vandalism and theft were reported in northern Scott County involving trash containers and mailboxes being vandalized. The trash containers, used by service providers to keep animals from tearing into trash bags placed along the roadway for pickup, had been scattered about county roads and in various yards of residents.

“The trash contents were dumped into the roadway, along the ditch lines, and in residents’ yards creating a real mess,” said Scott County Sheriff Jerry Goodin. A mailbox was also damaged at one of the homes.

The same mischievous activity was reported Wednesday morning, July 10, when a resident found their trash container missing and garbage scattered on the roadway near their driveway.

Deputies saturated the area of the initial complaint and found numerous trash containers scattered about and mailboxes damaged on and State Road 256 as well as Harrod Road, Terry Road, Bogardus Road, Jack Morgan Road, Meridian Road, Crothersville Road, Whitsitt Road, Sanders Road, Booe Road, and Slab Road.

The deputies’ investigation culminated in the discovery of four juvenile offenders who were involved. Once complete, the investigative report will be forwarded to the Scott County Prosecutor’s Office for their action, Goodin said.

The Sheriff’s Office Inmate Community Service Team and personnel from the Scott County Highway Department responded to the areas affected by this activity and cleaned up trash and debris scattered about by the youthful offenders, doing their best to mitigate the impact upon the victim homeowners, the sheriff reported.