First Ever Certificate Sale Has Opening Bids Of $100

Twenty-three Scott County properties are being offered for sale by the County Commissioners to pay back property taxes.

According to County Treasurer Missy Applegate, all parcels have been offered for sale at least twice during prior tax sales without gaining the minimum bid. That allows the county to lay claim to the property and offer them for sale at an auction on March 8. The minimum bid for each parcel is $100.

A complete list of the 23 parcels can be found in a Legal Notice on page 2 of this week’s print edition and online at

SRI, the same firm that administers the county’s annual tax sale, will be overseeing the certificate sale.

Scott County Auditor Jennifer Rode Hamelman said this is the first certificate sale the county has ever held and is an attempt to recoup some back property taxes and put the parcels back paying property taxes.

“Some parcels have back taxes owed for more than they are worth,” said Hamelman. “The property taxes keep accumulating. This commissioners’ certificate sale will wipe the slate clean, allow the parcels to be purchased, and new property owners will begin paying property taxes to the county, schools, townships and other units of government.”

“Some parcels have buildings on them, some are vacant land,” said Applegate. “Bidders should exercise caution and due diligence before bidding on property.”

Prior to bidding at a tax sale, each bidder must affirm under the penalties for perjury that he or she does not owe delinquent taxes, special assessments, penalties, interest, costs directly attributable to a prior tax sale, amounts from a final adjudication in favor of a unit of government in the county, any civil penalties imposed for the violation of a building code or ordinance of this county, or any civil penalties imposed by a health department in this county.

After a purchase, the buyer must exercise diligence in notifying the owner of record that they are the purchaser and allow the owner the opportunity to redeem the property by paying back taxes, fees, and a 10% interest to the purchaser.

Parcels scheduled to be auctioned include 10 in Jennings Township, four in Johnson Township, five in Lexington Township, and four in Vienna Township.

More details about a certificate sale can be found at and clicking on Certificate Sale.