There are 151 parcels of property in Scott County with delinquent taxes that could be sold at an auction on Friday, Oct. 18, according to a legal notice on page 4 of this week’s print issue of the Crothersville Times and in the Legal Notices section of...
Two central Indiana residents were found with methamphetamine, pills, and marijuana following a traffic stop on I-65 in Scott County on Tuesday night, Aug. 27. Jamey Hatfield Jailed were the driver of the vehicle Jamey L. Hatfield, 33, of Trafalgar charged with felony...
There will be a street festival on Saturday, Sept. 14, from 4-9 p.m. adjacent to Crothersville Town Hall while the recently completed town hall mural is dedicated. The newest local landmark was designed and painted by local artist Kyle McIntosh. The alley from Main...
The Jackson County Public Library is asking for public input on an online Strategic Plan. The survey will conclude September 13. Public input is invaluable as JCPL works to create a library that best meets the needs of the community with locations in Crothersville,...
Scottsburg residents will be able to dispose of their accumulated large trash from 8 a.m. to noon for the next four Saturdays at the city transfer station on South 5th Street. This drop off service is for city of Scottsburg residents only and identification must be...