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Crothersville Red, White & Blue Festival Royalty

Princess Emerie Niccum and Prince Drey Howard were crowned Thursday, June 9, during the opening night of the Crothersville Red, White and Blue Festival. Emerie is the daughter of Travis and Kelly Hien and Drey is the son of Casey and Amanda Howard. The first...

Town Council Makes Changes

For the 40-some golf carts and UTV’s registered to operate on the streets of Crothersville, seats belts will no longer be required. The Crothersville Town Council unanimously approved the change at their June 7 council meeting. The change was suggested by Chief of...

Fundraising Spaghetti Dinner At Hamacher Hall Friday

Hamacher Hall will host a Spaghetti Dinner on Friday, June 17, at 6 p.m.  This fundraising event will include spaghetti and meatballs, bread sticks, salad, drinks and dessert.  The cost is $8.  Registration is not required. Hamacher Hall is the former...

Nature’s Calling…Songbirds Need Pollinators Too

by Kristen Carlson Oak Heritage Conservancy “One Carolina chickadee breeding pair requires between 6,240 to 9,120 caterpillars to feed their brood prior to fledgling in 16 days.” Unbelievable, I thought as I listened to Doug Tallamy, as the TA Baker Professor of...