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Austin Man Facing 7 Charges Of Child Molesting

Investigators with the Indiana State Police arrested an Austin man on Monday, June 20, on several counts of child molestation and other felony charges. Tyson Myers, 49, faces charges of seven counts of child molesting and dissemination of matter harmful to minors. On...

Fireworks Celebration In Austin This Friday

The annual Austin Fireworks celebration will be Friday night, July 1, on the grounds of Austin High School/Middle School, said Austin Mayor Roger Hawkins. The event is traditionally held the Friday before July 4th, giving families and friends a chance to celebrate...

Scott Courthouse Repairs Hope To Begin In July

by Olivia P Tucker — Intern Reporter Scott County Commissioners met Thursday, June 23, in a special meeting after it was learned that the plans by the structural engineer to make repairs on the courthouse roof support beam have to be sent to Homeland Security...

Scott County Fair Little Miss & Master Candidates

Fourteen candidates will be competing in the Little Miss pageant this Sunday, July 3 at 5:30 pm.Front Row: Karely Meadows, Ekeanor Vaughn, Zoey Anderson, Everlee Swope, Peyton Klossner, Kaylee Fergison and Wendy KohnkeBack row: Layla Couch, Carls Cartern Nora Stevens,...