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Southern Indiana Newspaper Legends Pass

by Curt Kovener Last year was particularly difficult for newspapers with decreased advertising & circulation and dealing with COVID-19. It was a sad punctuation to the year when two long time newspapermen from nearby Washington County passed away last month.Joe...


LEGAL NOTICEState of IndianaCounty of ScottIn the Scott Superior CourtCase No: 72D01-2012-MI-057In the Matter of the Name Change ofNaquata SpiveyPetitionerNOTICE OF PETITION FOR CHANGE OF NAMENaquata Spivey, whose mailing address 1213 West Carla Lane, Scottsburg in...


BANKRUPTCY Payment plans available. 812-522-0628, Mark Risser, Attorney at Law. We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the bankruptcy code. tfnNO ONE DESERVES to be hurt! Domestic violence and sexual assault hurt women, children...