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Sertoma ‘Christmas Miracle’ Applications Available

Applications for next month’s Sertoma Christmas Miracle are now available.The applications can be picked up at many locations across the county, including the Jackson County Health Department, WIC office, Seymour City Hall, Jackson County Department of Child Services...

What’s A COVID Sequesterd Family To Do?

by Curt Kovener COVID cases are rising. The Governor has ordered additional restrictions in what we should safely do. The hospital has restricted surgeries and procedures so don’t get too sick. And here we are on the cusp on the holiday season and are being warned...


LEGAL NOTICENOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED INCREASE IN SEWER/WATER RATES AND CHARGES FOR THE TOWN OF CROTHERSVILLE, INDIANAProperty owners and other interested parties in the Town of Crothersville, Indiana, are hereby notified that the Rate Ordinance, increasing...


BANKRUPTCY Payment plans available. 812-522-0628, Mark Risser, Attorney at Law. We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the bankruptcy code. tfnNO ONE DESERVES to be hurt! Domestic violence and sexual assault hurt women, children...

O’Mara Contractors Awarded Crothersville CSO Bid

With nine contractors submitting bids for the $6.4 million Combined Sewer Overflow project, town officials called the bidding “very competitive”.Dave O’Mara Contractors of North Vernon was the lowest bidder for the project. The Crothersville Town Council at last...