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Leaf Pick Up Begins Nov. 18 In Austin

The City of Austin will begin fall leaf collection the week of Nov. 18 and will run on the same schedule as regular trash pickup days, according to Mayor Dillo Bush’s office. Residents should rake their leaves to the street edge but not place leaves in the ditch to...

Nothing Matters…And What If It Did?

by Curt Kovener Now that the election is over, it doesn’t matter whether your candidate won or lost. The prophet John coined the title of this column: remember it often. And remember some of these when you’re feeling low…and especially when you’re feeling high &...

Legal Notices

LEGAL NOTICE REQUEST FOR CONSTRUCTION BIDS The Jennings Township Volunteer Fire Department will receive sealed bids for a new fire substation to be built on two acres at the corner of Booe and Water Tower Roads in Austin, Indiana. Bid specification packages for Option...


MOBILITY ISSUES?? We have walkers, wheelchairs & canes to lend. Contact Crothersville Senior Citizens at 793-2523.tfn BANKRUPTCY Payment plans available. 812-522-0628, Mark Risser, Attorney at Law. We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy...

Republicans Sweep Crothersville Election

Republicans were elected to lead the town of Crothersville beginning in 2020.Political newcomer Republican Staci Peters defeated Democrat Lenvel ‘Butch’ Robinson for clerk-treasurer 218-128. Robinson was a two-term Democrat town councilman.Incumbent Republican...