Jul 17, 2019 | Local News
The demolition of two derelict downtown buildings in Crothersville began last Friday. Albertson Construction was hired to demolish two brick structures in the center of town owned by Ashley Aluminum Foundry. The owner of the building, Hubert Ashley of Scottsburg had...
Jul 17, 2019 | Local News
Jackson County Deputy Mitch Ray stopped a 1994 black Chevrolet pickup last Tuesday, July 9, around 8 a.m near the intersection of 700 East and 600 South in Grassy Fork Township west of Crothersville. The truck had been reported stolen out of Scott County. The driver,...
Jul 17, 2019 | Local News
On Tuesday, July 9, Scott County Deputy Joe Baker received information of suspected illegal drug activity at a local business. After he arrived he made questioned several individuals there. As a result of the questioning, four people were arrested on drug related...
Jul 17, 2019 | Local News
The Scott County Courthouse Lawn will be the center of action this Friday and Saturday for the annual Scottsburg Main Street ‘MaterFest’. Arts & crafts, plenty of food, magic, a balloon sculptor and live music will be featured from 5 to 10 p.m. on Friday and from...
Jul 17, 2019 | Curt Comments
by Curt Kovener With bridge repair, roadwork, chip & seal all going on simultaneously in different locations, you are probably like me, driving on country roads you haven’t been on for a while as you circumnavigate the asphalt progress du jour. In my meanderings...