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Paving Contract For 14 Streets In Crothersville Awarded

The Crothersville Town Council handled a variety of matters during their regular meeting last Tuesday, March 6. All-Star Paving of Seymour was officially awarded the bid to pave 14 streets as a part of the state Community Crossroads grant awarded to the town last...

Wetland Day Program This Saturday At Muscatatuck Refuge

Everyone who enjoys wildlife is invited to come out and celebrate spring at the Wetland Day program at Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge this Saturday, March 17. There will be a Bird Walk at the Visitor Center at 8 a.m. for birdwatchers of all ages and abilities....

Is DST Worth The Hassle?

by Curt Kovener Show of hands: Who among you forgot to set your clocks ahead one hour before bed Saturday and were late for church the following morning? Don’t be embarrassed. Dozens of area families likely got a late start. Daylight-saving time began at 2 a.m. this...

Legal Notices

LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2018 – 1 (2018) “An amending Title VII, Chapter 71, Schedule III, “Stop Intersections” Town of Crothersville, Indiana Code of Ordinances NOW, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF CROTHERSVILLE, INDIANA: Title VII, Chapter...


MOBILITY ISSUES?? We have walkers, wheelchairs & canes to lend. Contact Crothersville Senior Citizens at 793-2523.tfn BANKRUPTCY Payment plans available. 812-522-0628, Mark Risser, Attorney at Law. We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy...