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A Pride, An Ambush, and A Sleuth… Oh My!

by Curt Kovener A collective noun, as students of Mrs. Lewis’s high school English class will tell you, is a word for a group of specific items, animals or people. For example, a group of ships is called a fleet, a group of cows is called a herd, a group of lions is...

Legal Notice

LEGAL NOTICE TOWN OF CROTHERSVILLE, INDIANA NOTICE TO BIDDERS 2018 CCMG PROJECT IMPROVEMENTS Sealed bids will be received by the TOWN OF CROTHERSVILLE, acting by and through the TOWN BOARD (hereinafter referred to as “the Owner”), at 111 WEST HOWARD STREET,...


HELP WANTED CROTHERSVILLE UTILITIES Seeking Applicants for Utility Operator Position Job Description and Job Duties •Assist with Operation of Water Facility and Distribution System under the direction of the Water Superintendent •Assist with Operation of Wastewater...

Council Shoots Down Gun Range

Town workers Roger Jewell (left) and Chris Mains dismantle targets at a gun range built surreptitiously on town property last month. The town council ordered the gun range, discovered at the old town dump, dismantled.   A gun range built on town property north of...

Council Hears Project Updates, Makes Annual Appointments

The Crothersville Town Council heard updates on town projects and made annual appointments to boards when they met on Jan. 2. Town Engineer Brad Bender told the council that the storm water project on the west side of town now substantially completed. “The new, larger...