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Snowy Owls Heading South For Food

Snowy Owls, native to the Arctic and northern Canada, are being seen with more frequency as far south as southern Indiana. A changing climate may be one of the reasons. Wildlife experts observe that as populations increase in the frigid northern climes the owls...

Nope, Sorry: Harsh Winter Doesn’t Decrease Summertime Insects

As temperatures plummet into the single digits, people will often seek any silver lining in the cold, cold days and nights. A common theory is that bitter cold winters lead to fewer bugs — pests like gnats and mosquitoes — come summertime. But Tim Gibb, a professor of...

The Grassroots Role Of The Press

This week we turn over this column space to a friend and colleague—a newspaper reporter, editor and owner spanning a 50-year career. Joseph F. Persinger penned this piece on the importance of locally owned, hometown newspapers. Persinger formerly worked for the...